Beautiful response: US charter flight amidst Haiti unrest

The US is helping citizens in Haiti with a special flight due to gang violence. Police are trying to catch gang leader Jimmy Chérizier, known as “Barbecue”. They attacked his area and several criminals were stopped.

More action happened at the main port to control violence. The port has been closed since 7 March. Police tried to regain control. They fired at the gang, cleared roadblocks, and took guns. The situation is tough, but efforts are ongoing to help people.

Haitians face danger, embassies evacuate citizens. Americans in Cap-Haitien may leave on a charter flight if the situation remains safe. Only US citizens with valid passports can travel. The flight depends on Cap-Haitien’s stability.

Last week, America flew some embassy workers. Gangs and rebels fight for power. Barbecue, a gang boss, hates Ariel Henry, the Prime Minister. Last Tuesday, Henry quit because of pressure and violence.

He couldn’t go back after going to Guyana and Kenya, where he signed a deal for an international security force.


About Haiti:

  • Located in the Caribbean, near the Dominican Republic, with 11.5 million people.
  • It’s smaller than Belgium, like Maryland in the USA, covering 27,800 sq km.
  • Many problems like instability, bad rulers, and disasters made Haiti the poorest in the Americas.
  • An earthquake in 2010 killed over 200,000 and damaged a lot.
  • The UN helped keep peace from 2004 until 2017.
  • President Jovenel Moïse got killed in 2021, causing more trouble.
  • Now, there’s lots of fighting and crime.

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