Twitch’s ‘Ninja’ Skin Cancer Struggle : You Need To Know

Popular streamer and YouTuber Tyler “Ninja” Blevins gave a big health update. He told his fans he has skin cancer.

Ninja, who’s 32 years old and known for playing Fortnite, shared the news on X Tuesday. He has about 24 million subscribers on YouTube and  around 19 million on Twitch.

“I’m still a bit stunned but I want to keep you all in the loop,” he started his message.

Ninja said his wife scheduled a doctor’s appointment for him just to be safe. They found a mole on his foot and it is found as melanoma, a type of skin cancer. But doctors think they caught it early.

Then, another dark spot appeared near the first one. On Tuesday, doctors took a sample of it for testing. They also removed a bigger area around the melanoma.

“I’m thankful we found this early, but please get skin checkups,” Ninja said, hoping his experience serves as a reminder for others.

Blevins, also known from “The Masked Singer,” is from the Midwest. His childhood was spent in Chicago’s suburbs .

Many people like Blevins have the same diagnosis. Skin cancer is really common in the U.S. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, melanoma rates have been going up very fast in the last 3 decades.

Dr. Amy Derick, a dermatologist, said melanoma and other skin cancer cases increased a lot after the coronavirus pandemic. Many people didn’t go for check-ups during that time. 

Delaying check-ups can be bad. Dr. Derick says catching melanoma early is important. It’s curable in 99% of cases if found early. So, taking care of your skin and not delaying check-ups is really important.

Finding melanoma early means better survival chances. So, it’s crucial to look after your skin and not skip appointments.

Who’s Most at Risk of Skin Cancer?


Skin cancer can affect anyone, but some groups are more vulnerable than others.


  • Older folks get diagnosed more often, but younger people aren’t immune.
  • Melanoma is one of the most common cancers in young adults, especially in women.


  • Men have higher rates over 50, while younger women are diagnosed more frequently.

Skin Tone:

  • Fair-skinned people are at higher risk because they have less natural sun protection.
  • Darker-skinned individuals might get diagnosed later, leading to lower survival rates.


  • Pregnancy can cause changes in skin, increasing the risk of melanoma.
  • Early detection is crucial for pregnant patients to minimize risks to both mother and child.


No matter your age, gender, or skin tone, keeping an eye on changes in your skin and practicing sun protection is essential for preventing and catching skin cancer early.

Twitch's 'Ninja' Skin Cancer Struggle : You Need To Know


Understanding Skin Cancer Types

Skin cancer comes in different forms. The most common ones are basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas. They usually show up on areas like your head, neck, and arms, where the sun hits.

But the most serious type is melanoma. Even though it’s less common, it spreads more easily and can be deadly. Melanoma causes most skin cancer deaths, even though it’s found in only 1% of cases.

Survival chances depend on catching melanoma early. If caught before spreading, the survival rate is 99%. But if it spreads to lymph nodes, survival drops to 68%, and it falls further if it reaches other organs.

Getting regular skin checks helps find cancers early when they’re easier to treat. So, it’s crucial to stay vigilant and get screened regularly.

Spotting Skin Cancer

What to Look For:

  • Look for changes or growths on your skin.
  • Pay attention to anything that’s asymmetrical, very dark, or suddenly appears.
  • Watch out for symptoms like itching or bleeding.

Types of Skin Cancer:

Basal Cell:

  • Look for flat, firm, pale or yellow areas.
  • Raised reddish patches or small shiny bumps.
  • Pink growths with raised edges.
  • Open sores that don’t heal.

Squamous Cell:

  • Watch for rough, scaly red patches or raised lumps.
  • Look out for open sores or wart-like growths.


  • Be aware of new or changing spots.

Remember the ABCDE rule:

  • Asymmetry
  • Border irregularities
  • Color changes
  • Diameter larger than 6 millimeters
  • Evolving size, shape, or color.
  • Watch for sores that won’t heal, pigment spreading, redness, or changes in sensation.


  • Regularly check your skin for any changes.
  • If you notice anything suspicious, consult a doctor promptly.

Protecting Your Skin: Simple Tips

Wear Protective Clothing: Cover up with clothes to shield your skin from the sun. It’s easy and good for kids too.

Avoid Sunburn: Even one bad sunburn can increase your risk of skin cancer. So, stay out of the sun without protection.

Use Sunscreen: While sunscreen helps, it’s not enough on its own. Still, it’s good to apply when you’re outside.

Stay in the Shade: Seek shade whenever it is possible, especially during peak sun hours. 

Keep an Eye on Your Skin: Regularly check your skin for any changes or unusual spots. 

Read More: Unlocking the Secrets of Brain Tumor Management

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