Nicole Shanahan And RFK Jr. Unite For Presidential Challenge

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. picked Nicole Shanahan as his VP in Oakland. Kennedy said, “Nicole Shanahan, a mom, scientist, and lawyer will be our next vice president.”

Shanahan’s pick boosts Kennedy’s bid for ballot access in many states. Half need a VP choice for this. Shanahan aims to widen Kennedy’s appeal and raise funds. Speculation suggests she might use her wealth to support the cause. Nicole Shanahan was previously married to Sergey Brin co-founder of Google.

Nicole Shanahan Selected

Kennedy chose Shanahan because they share values on farming, healthcare, and Big Tech. He wanted a partner who’s organized, curious, and open-minded. Kennedy values someone who can change their opinions when faced with new evidence.

He sought someone with spirituality, compassion, and love for the USA. Kennedy desires a leader who embodies idealism and carries themselves well. Shanahan fits the bill.

Kennedy’s Early VP Pick

Kennedy, the independent presidential candidate, is choosing his VP early. This helps with his ballot access plans. He wants to be on ballots in all 50 states. Currently, he’s only on Utah’s ballot. But there’s progress. They’ve gathered enough signatures for New Hampshire, Nevada, and Hawaii.

A super PAC supporting him has signatures for Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, and South Carolina. This move sets the stage for the next phase of his campaign.

Nicole Shanahan And RFK Jr. Unite For Presidential Challenge

Kennedy Campaign’s Ballot Access Challenges in Nevada

The Kennedy campaign is working hard to get on the ballot in many states. They’re collecting signatures in 17 states and starting in 19 more this week. Shanahan, part of the campaign, says she’s dedicating the next seven months to this goal.

However, there’s a problem in Nevada. The law says candidates must pick a vice president on their petitions. The campaign was given the wrong information about this. The campaign thinks Nevada Democrats are trying to stop Kennedy. But Nevada’s secretary of state says it was a mistake, not intentional.

Democratic Party Challenges Kennedy Campaign

The Democratic Party is upset with Kennedy’s candidacy. They claim he could help Trump beat Biden. Complaints accuse Kennedy’s super PAC of breaking campaign finance laws. They also claim illegal coordination with Kennedy’s campaign.

Hawaii Democrats blocked Kennedy’s ballot access petition. Kennedy and Shanahan criticized the Democrats. Shanahan is leaving the Democratic Party. He thinks they’ve lost their way. Kennedy and Shanahan supported Biden in 2020. They’re unhappy with how the Democrats are acting.

Shanahan could help raise funds for the Kennedy campaign. They need more money for the election. Kennedy’s team raised $3.2 million in February but spent $2.9 million. They have $5.1 million left.

Nicole Shanahan And RFK Jr. Unite For Presidential Challenge

American Values 2024 spent $8.8 million in February. Shanahan gave $4 million to help them. She also helped make a TV ad. It aired during the Super Bowl. Kennedy’s team needs more money to compete with Biden and Trump.

Kennedy said he doesn’t pick a VP based on money. He wants someone who shares his values. He wants optimism and readiness to lead. Kennedy hasn’t shared much about his target voters. He needs signatures from more states. He wants a VP who can step up anytime. Kennedy keeps his focus on values and potential.

Kennedy chose Shanahan to speak for younger and poorer Americans. He wants her to connect with millennials and Gen Z who feel uncertain. She’ll fight for those struggling with high food prices.

Kennedy believes in her ability to understand the challenges of skipping meals to afford gas. Shanahan aims to represent those worried about making it through the grocery line.

Together, they hope to build a stronger coalition. Kennedy trusts Shanahan to be a voice for those who’ve lost faith in the future.

Kennedy considered various people for VP: Jesse Ventura, Aaron Rodgers, Tulsi Gabbard, Rand Paul, Andrew Yang, Mike Rowe, Tony Robbins, and Tricia Lindsay. These were among his options for the role. 

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