Volcano’s Golden Secret: Antarctica’s Hidden Wealth

Did you know that Antarctica, a snowy place, has a volcano named Mount Erebus? It’s super tall and active. This volcano doesn’t just spew smoke. It also releases something valuable: gold dust.

Every day, it shoots out gas pockets with solidified gold. These tiny gold particles, called “gold dust,” are super small, only 20 micrometers. Throughout the day, they add up to about 80 grams of gold. Surprisingly, the gold dust spreads far.

Scientists found traces of it in the air up to 1,000 kilometers away from Mount Erebus. So, even though you can’t reach it, this volcano is like a gold factory hidden in Antarctica.

“Unfortunately, we can’t get the gold. It’s too far away, 621 miles from the closest volcano. Covered in snow, it’s 12,448 feet high. So, we can’t reach it.”

Gas constantly comes out of the icy volcano. It has precious metals, like gold, inside. Sometimes, it even throws out rocks.

A professor named Connor Bacon from Columbia University said the volcano, called Erebus, has been erupting since 1972. Its top is full of lava, which is melted rock on its surface. This is very rare. Even though it’s snowy, the surface never freezes. But there’s still a lot we don’t understand about it.

Discovering Mount Erebus Volcano

Mount Erebus was found on January 27, 1841, by Sir James Clark Ross’s expedition. He named it after his ship Erebus.

Mount Erebus’s Unique Features

Mount Erebus is the only volcano erupting phonolite lava. It’s on Ross Island in Antarctica. It has steep slopes covered with thick lava flows.

The Tragic Mt Erebus Disaster

Mount Erebus was struck by Air New Zealand Flight 901 on November 28, 1979, resulting in a crash. All 237 passengers and 20 crew members died. The flight was on a sightseeing trip over Antarctica.

Why is it called Mt Erebus?

Mount Erebus got its name because of British Royal Navy officer James Clark Ross, who saw it in 1841. It was named after a warship used in Antarctic exploration. Erebus was already active before Ross found it. The mountain, along with Mount Terror nearby, were named after ships used in polar voyages.

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